Mindful Environment at Work

How to Create a More Relaxed, Productive, and Mindful Environment at Work

It’s no secret that the workplace can be a stressful environment. Long hours, tight deadlines, and constant distractions can quickly lead to burnout. You’re not alone if you’ve ever found yourself struggling to stay calm and focused at work.

A recent study found that the average office worker spends more than a third of their day feeling stressed. That’s a lot of time spent feeling tense, anxious, and overwhelmed. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are always some ways you can do to create a more relaxed, productive, and mindful working environment.

How to Create a More Relaxed, Productive, and Mindful Environment at Work

Mindful Environment at Work

Clear Your Desk and Workspace Daily

A cluttered desk can be a major source of stress. It can be challenging to find what you need, and it can be even harder to stay focused when your workspace is cluttered. Make it a habit to clear off your desk at the end of each day so you can start fresh the next morning.

You don’t have to take hours to deep clean your desk daily. Just ten minutes in the morning to tidy up and organize your space can make a difference. When you leave the office, spare 5 – 10 minutes to quickly clean your immediate area so that it’s ready for you when you come back tomorrow.

Unplug from Technology and Clear Your Mind

When we’re at work, it’s almost impossible to avoid technology. We’re constantly checking our email, taking phone calls, and working with digital tools and applications. While technology can be a helpful tool, it can also be a significant source of distraction and stress.

If you feel frazzled by technology, take a break and unplug from your devices. Step away from your computer screen and give yourself time to clear your mind.

Take advantage of your lunchtime, for example, to go for a short walk around the block instead of eating and scrolling through your phone simultaneously. It won’t help boost your productivity and can leave you more stressed.

Make Time for Exercise

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. But when you’re busy at work, it can be difficult to find time to fit in a workout. If you don’t have time for a lengthy gym session, there are still plenty of ways to sneak in some exercise.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to a colleague’s desk instead of sending an email, or do some simple stretching exercises at your desk. Even a few minutes of exercise can help improve your energy and focus.

If you’re more adventurous (and if possible), try to bike or even walk to work. Not only will you get some exercise, but you’ll also avoid the stress of rush-hour traffic.

Mindfulness Practices for Work

Mindful breathing exercises are a great way to clear your mind and refocus your attention. Start by finding a comfortable seat, and then take a few deep breaths in and out.

Once you’ve settled into a rhythm, focus on your breath and the sensation of your lungs expanding and contracting. Taking just a few minutes to focus on your breath can help you feel more calm and centered.

Another easy mindfulness practice is to focus on your senses. When stressed, take a moment to notice what you see, smell, hear, and feel. This can help ground you in the present moment and clear your mind of racing thoughts.

These two exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. You don’t even have to leave your desk. Just close your eyes for a few minutes, focus on your breath, or take a moment to notice your surroundings.

Listen to Music or Natural Sound

One of the quickest and easiest ways to relax is to listen to music or natural sound. Many apps and websites offer streaming music and sounds of nature, like rain falling or waves crashing. These natural sounds can help you feel more calm and relaxed.

If you don’t have time to listen to music or natural sound during the workday, try wearing headphones and listening for a few minutes before you start your workday or during your lunch break. You can even listen while doing simple tasks like walking to a meeting or getting coffee.

On the other hand, if you have trouble focusing with background noise, try using noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to create a quiet work environment.


Creating a more relaxed, productive, and mindful working environment doesn’t have to be complicated. You can make your workday less stressful and more enjoyable with a few simple changes. And who knows? You might even find that you’re more productive when you take some time to relax and refocus. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised by the results.

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